Flinnie dry food terbagi menjadi 2 kategori Adult & Mother and Kitten. Untuk Adult & Mother and Kitten memiliki 2 varian yang sama yaitu Tuna dan Salmon yang memiliki kandung susu kambing.
Flinnie dry food is divided into 2 categories, Adult & Mother and Kitten. For Adult & Mother and Kitten, there are 2 identical variants, namely Tuna and Salmon which contain goat milk.
Keunggulan / Superiority
- Bebas biji-bijian / Grain free
- Palatabilitas yang baik / Good Palatability
- Terbuat dari daging asli / Made from real meat
- Tidak mengandung daging babi / No Pork
- Nutrisi seimbang / Balance Nutrition
Bentonite terdapat 3 kapasitas ukuran 5L, 10L, 25L, dan 4 varian wangi yaitu Cotton Candy, Bubble Gum, Choco Mint, Mochachino.
Bentonite is available in 3 capacity sizes: 5L, 10L, 25L, and 4 fragrance variants, namely Cotton Candy, Bubble Gum, Choco Mint, Mochachino.
Keunggulan / Superiority
- Menghilangkan Bau / Eliminates Odors
- Mudah untuk dibersihkan / Easy to clean
- Penggumpalan cepat / Fast Clumping
- Sedikit debu / A little Dust
- Hipoalergenik / Hypoallergenic
- Aroma sangat baik / Very good scent
Tofu memiliki 8 varian wangi yaitu Japanese Sakura, White Musk, Spectacular Popcorn, Korean Goguma, Funtastic Cinnamon, Espresso Monster, Delicious Butter, Aromatic Banana. Kapasitas tofu 7 Liter.
Tofu has 8 scented variants, namely Japanese Sakura, White Musk, Spectacular Popcorn, Korean Goguma, Funtastic Cinnamon, Espresso Monster, Delicious Butter, Aromatic Banana. Tofu capacity is 7 liters.
Keunggulan / Superiority
- Dari kacang kedelai alami / From natural soy beans
- Daya serap luar biasa / Excellent Absorption
- Kontrol bau sangat baik / Excellent odor control
- Mudah terurai di toilet / Easily biodegradable in the toilet
- Penggumpalan instant / Instant Clumping
- Aroma sangat harum / Very fragrant aroma